Fiction Author

Long Time No Talk with Eileen Clemens Granfors

LongTimeGreetings humans, half-breeds, and everything in between. Today I’m sharing a very special update from one of my dearest author friends, a trend I hope to develop more. It’s been a while since I’ve interviewed/hosted this special author or reviewed something of hers, but that’s just me being disorganized and frazzled as usual. Eileen Clemens Granfors is a writer of strong female characters and an all-around sweet person.

So here’s an update on what she’s been doing.

Toi: So Eileen, I heard you moved to the Midwest. What’s that all about?

Eileen: We’ve been in our Missouri house for a year! We can’t believe our retirement dreams are being realized. At the same time, I need a frequent fix of California friends and family. And I’ve gotten back to sewing and doing embroidery, which I love.

Toi: I need to get back into sewing; just need to find the time.

How’s your blog going? Anything interesting or standout posts go up recently?

Eileen: I review new books, many from self-pub, authors. I am trying to up my non-fiction reading and have a good start with WILD SEA and SURFING THE BORDER, two works by Serge Dedina. He is now the mayor of Imperial Beach, CA (my hometown) and makes sense of the way to free the ocean of pollution along the Mexico-California border and the Tijuana River mouth where the waves are fierce, but the pollution is dangerous after rains. A second new feature is a list of each featured author’s ten most inspirational books. That way I can add to my own TBR!

Toi: I love that feature idea. I really should find a way to organize my TBR list.

How’s the third Marisol book coming?

Eileen: At last I am back to finishing SO YOU, SOLIMAR, the 3rd book in the Marisol trilogy. I have started and stopped this book for three years, trying to get the voice right. My cataract surgery in November and December slowed me down, but surgery was successful, and I’m glad I had it done. Now back to the book!

Toi: So, you have any cool or grand plans for the year to come?

Eileen: I am trying this year, not New Year’s Resolutions, but just a more common sense approach to fitness. My husband bought me an adult trike for Christmas that I love. We’ll be in California and are hoping to get up the East Coast for a fall cruise in 2016. Mostly, I want to see SOLIMAR published, which means nose to the grindstone!

Also, there’s a special gmail for review requests on my blog, Word Joy; the guidelines of what I do ziggybedand do not read are there.

We are also working like crazy on Dog Obedience 101 for our third dog, a Labrador –Schnauzer mix. He was dropped at the shelter with his sisters in a box on a cold December night. They named him Christmas Future. We brought him home and named him Ziggy. He’s a wild man, but he makes us laugh so much.


Well, wasn’t that a nice little update. Now don’t you want to take some time to visit her blog and check out some of her books? You’ll be glad you did. Plus, you can head over to Word Joy right now to see an update from me.

If you like this update of my dear friend Eileen and are wondering about some of my other past guests, don’t worry; their updates are in the works. So, humans, half-breeds, and everything in between, that’s all I have for today.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Author Insights

Critique Partners aren’t for all writers: Author Insights 15


This is an impromptu post based on a lot of talk about critique partners I’ve seen lately. It’s a little bit of a rant, but mostly it’s me stating my shortcomings and insecurities. ~It’s not even the 1st Wednesday of the month.

Writers all over the blogosphere rave about critique partners, but I don’t think critique partners work unless you happen to be the right kind of author. I’m apparently the wrong kind of author. No matter how hard I try I can’t seem to find and or keep a critique partner because…well, I guess my writing is just so bad. ~Or so I thought.

The problem I seem to have with critique partners is that they all seem to want to edit my work to perfection instead of giving me feedback to better develop the story myself or they are just not interested in what I’m writing. Also I think I test other writer’s patience. All other writer’s either have writing degrees or years of experience and don’t feel like working with an author that’s still in development. ~Beginning to think I’m meeting all the wrong people.

I write in stages and  I guess that’s a little weird for most writers. I guess most writers edit as they write, but not me. I write with blinders on. I work hard to get my creative ideas out, then work on development and style, and then fine tuning and editing. I guess my process is difficult for others to work with, but it’s the only way I know how to do it. ~Apparently that’s how lots of writers do it, according to this article

I’ve tried joining groups, offering feedback, and generally doing my part to be part of a community and a process, but I guess I’m just too different. I have managed to get a few helpful hints and some limited feedback from a few people I’ve meet along the way and I’m grateful for that, but hints and tips only go so far.~ I’m testing out some new partners I’ve found at the IWSGCC and they may just work out, even if not for every project. 

I’d love to have more and consistent critique partners, but I just don’t fit the mold. So here I am, kinda on my own, trying to write and develop myself without much feedback. I have managed to release one novel, a few short stories, and some non-fiction without receiving any hate mail. So, even if I’m not very good, it seems that I’m not too bad either.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Fiction Author Videos

Long Time No Talk with M.C.V. Egan #author #fiction


Greetings humans, half-breeds, and everything in between. Today I’m sharing a very special update from one of my dearest author friends, a trend I hope to develop more. It’s been a while since I’ve hosted this special author or reviewed something of hers, but that’s just me being disorganized and frazzled as usual. Not only is Catalina, a.k.a. M.C.V. Egan a wonderful author and friend, she just a neat person to know. 

So here’s an update on what she’s been doing.

Toi: Can you believe it is 2015? Did you make any great resolutions that you know you can keep?

M.C.V. Egan: I did set a few goals/resolutions and at this stage I like to be very fluid. If I stumble, I can pick my self up and remember the set course. 2014 was full of many good moments, sprinkled with a dose of some health issues and teen drama, but it was overall a good year. I am very much looking forward to 2015, one such resolution is keeping more in touch with my friends, so be warned Toi, you will see much more of me! Another sadly is to watch my intake of caffeine….

Toi: Is there anything new happening on your blog?

M.C.V. Egan: I run three blogs in 2015 and I have fun plans for all three.
On Tumblr @ The Bridge of Deaths, I plan to interview more bloggers. I did that a few years ago, and although some bloggers are also authors, I really enjoy that exchange.
I am welcoming more diverse guests @ Is History The Agreed Upon Lie? I am also not leaving the guests on for the full two weeks. The theme is still discrepancies in history and the guests are amazing. I have a fantastic one now about The Pilgrims.
I have agreed to host for many more on-line book tours and other promotions. I feel this is a great way to learn how to best promote myself, while helping others. I have connected with many fantastic people this way. I really recommend hosting other authors.

Toi: Any books news?

M.C.V. Egan: YES, MANY BOOK NEWS ! I am working hard on a series, YES A SERIES, it is The Defining Ways series and the first book is now available on AMAZON . I will release the printed version of DEFINED by OTHERS soon.
The series book two is Climbing Up The Family Tree; Defined by Pedigree is going to be diverse, not all of the books will be considered contemporary nor will they have the same format (Surprises ahead) , they will all have the common thread of all that defines us; which is great because there is so much out there that shapes and molds us!

Toi: So, how’s the future looking? Any cool plans?

M.C.V. Egan: I am working hard on marketing strategies, both locally and in our great cyber world. As a part of that I have started using as many tools as I can find such as and Animoto. With this as well as with my blogs, I feel that sharing and helping others is key to success, so I am making trailers and promo videos for my artists, poets,  and author friends.
Enjoy my latest promotional and a bit about my new venture…Oh yes if you get a chance swing by AMAZON and FOLLOW ME Please?????
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See why I love this lady so much. She’s so positive and kindhearted, it’s hard not to like her; plus she writes some really good stories. So please, take some time to visit her blogs, follow her on Amazon, and check out her books. You’ll be glad you did. Head over to 4covert2overt to see an update from me. 
If you like this update of my dear friend Catalina and are wondering about some of my other past guests, don’t worry; their updates are in the works. So, humans, half-breeds, and everything in between, that’s all I have for today. 
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords