Here is approximately 100 – 150 words from a randomly selected original piece for your enjoyment. These samples can include excerpts from my all my WIPs and my Eternal Curse Series, but only as works in progress (not the final products). These samples of published and unpublished works are protected under the U.S. Copyright agreement.
Eternal Curse: Giovanni’s Angel chapter 6.4 (wip)
Mira inched her way even closer to Giovanni. She was now standing toe to toe with him. She looked up into his eyes and he looked down into hers without any struggle. It was easy, almost nice, for him to look into her eyes. There was, again, a small tear beginning to develop in Giovanni’s right eye. Mira slowly reached up to catch it with her finger and Giovanni flinched. Mira stretched up on her tiptoes and reached out her neck, getting even closer to Giovanni’s face. She closed her eyes, pressed her lips together, and raised her hands and arms up and around Giovanni’s neck. At that moment, Giovanni slowly wrapped his arms around her waist without even realizing what he was doing.
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