About Toi Question of the Month

#Question of the Month: a bloghop to think about. No. 1- If your house caught fire…?

A little while ago, Michael D’Agostino, of A Life Examined, brought up the idea of a new blog hop called Question of the Month. He thinks blog readers would like to know a little more about us, the bloggers. So we’re all gathering to show you guys who we are by taking part in the Question of the Month blog hop. On the first Monday of each month, we answer the question that gets posted here.

This month’s question is: If your house caught on fire, what’s the one thing you’d grab before running out?

There are so many possibilities to this scenario. This is not an easy question to answer even if, maybe, it should be. My first thought was to save my husband, but I don’t really see him needing to be saved. If the house caught fire, I’m sure he’d run out just like me. My next thought was to get my turtle out. I’m pretty sure I’d be permanently damaged emotionally if I escaped a fire and forgot about her. At this point, I should stop, but I know I’m stubborn. If I honestly felt I had any chance of grabbing one more item before heading out the door, I know I’d grab my laptop.

I’d like to think that my cell phone would be on me anyway. I figured my husband probably has something special on this list he’d want to grab, but then we might bump heads, both try to save Betty (the turtle). I guess I should have discussed this with him.

In any case, I know should want my photo albums, my books, my collectables, and the very few genuinely valuable items I own, but I’d know I couldn’t take them all. I’d love to grab my Nikon; it really is my favorite toy followed by my Kindle, but decisions have to be made and lives have to be saved.

Please check out the other participants in this hop and even join in if you’d like.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

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By Toi Thomas

Author and illustrator of children's books, as well as clean adult fiction and nonfiction. Toi is a geek-girl blogger, vlogger, reviewer, and advocate for a healthy reading lifestyle. She finds comfort in faith, family, and creative expression. Toi believes in the dream of world harmony and hopes all your dreams come true.

16 replies on “#Question of the Month: a bloghop to think about. No. 1- If your house caught fire…?”

I know. Guess that’s why people should have fire drills at home.

All of us writers have the same answers: our loved ones, our pets, and our laptops. My cell phone is never on me, because I don’t have an iPhone, so it would be smart of me to grab some kind of phone to call help.

You knows what’s funny? I totally forgot I might need to actually call for help. Oops.

Your list was adding up there. I guess you’ll be the only one naming a turtle as their item of rescue.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Though there are lots of things I’d like to save, the turtle will always be number 1 on my list.

Since this post went live, we’ve had a chat. A plan is now in play.

What I like about this question is that some people are being now better prepared in case it ever happens. The good news is, I think if your house catches on fire, you’ll usually have enough time to grab a few things, despite what they told you in school.

Yeah, I agree. No one wants to get hurt making bad decisions, but as long as we’re not panicking, I think there is more time than we realize.

I know, the thought of it makes me want to go pet her right now.

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