
#IWSG May 2021: Are your followers friendly or scary?

Feliz de Cinco de Mayo! If you like Facebook Live, you should check out the video I posted yesterday talking about the underappreciated day.

Created and hosted by the Ninja himself, Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writers Support Group posts the 1st Wednesday of every month. Click the image to learn more or sign up.

Optional Monthly Question: Has any of your readers ever responded to your writing in a way that you didn’t expect? If so, did it surprise you?

Yes. First of all, having anyone respond to my writing at all is always a shocking experience. Whether it’s a 1-star or 5-star review, it blows my mind that someone would take moments of their life to publicly comment on something I’ve written.

Secondly, I’ve received some interesting emails from people who’ve liked and disliked my work. Again, I’m astounded by the effort it took for them to either fill out the contact form on my Contact page or find my email address just to send me a message. One of my favorites was, a bit scary and, from a person demanding I hurry up and write the sequel to one of my stories.

Lastly, up until recently, I have cherished every comment I’ve ever gotten on my blog, even when they weren’t always positive, because again I appreciated the time taken to connect and communicate. Recently, however, I receive a comment on my blog that felt very much like an attack and a passing of judgment against me and my entire race. I do not cherish that comment, and yet, I will not remove it. I will leave it there as a reminder. A reminder that when you ask for comments, you must face the fact that not all of them will be cherished.



Well, I finished both books for the may discussion and am dreading having to come up with something to say about The High Mountains of Portugal (I just didn’t like it.). Deep Point of view was great. Probably gonna read more of her books.

Our March/April/May reads are…
The High Mountains of Portugal by Yann Martel is our fiction selection that offers a great use and example of description.

Deep Point of View (Busy Writer’s Guides Book 9) by Marcy Kennedy is our writing craft book with a focus on deep POV.

Discussion Day for both books will be May 26, 2021!

Please consider JOINing US for our next discussions.


So, I relaunched my newsletter, making is an homage to my love of reading. I think the first one went well. We’ll see how this months goes.

Now, on to the personal updates.

There were some really great entries in the WEP challenge in April and wish everyone the best with the continued challenges for 2021. I will be stepping away from the challenge for a while, maybe forever, not sure at the moment. It has been a wonderful supportive environment to develop and hone skills and I encourage struggling writers to seek it out. I will miss the community and enriching variety. I’ve learned so much but must now move on to learn elsewhere.

I’m sure there’s more I have to share, but my mind is a buzz with many things. I’d like to leave you all on a silly note by sharing a video from my YouTube channel, should anyone be interested in checking it out.


Has a reader response ever shocked you?
Any thoughts on the IWSG Book Club books?
Any other interesting bookish or geekish news to share?
It may take some time, but I promise, I will eventually stop by your blog.


After hanging out with Alex, be sure to stop by and visit this month’s co-hosts:
Erika Beebe,
PJ Colando,
Tonja Drecker,
Sadira Stone, and
Cathrina Constantine!


Click here to visit other IWSG blogs and sites to receive and share more inspiration and support. (This month, I’m #36).

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords #blacklivesmatter

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By Toi Thomas

Author and illustrator of children's books, as well as clean adult fiction and nonfiction. Toi is a geek-girl blogger, vlogger, reviewer, and advocate for a healthy reading lifestyle. She finds comfort in faith, family, and creative expression. Toi believes in the dream of world harmony and hopes all your dreams come true.

6 replies on “#IWSG May 2021: Are your followers friendly or scary?”

I ao agree with you keeping whoever that was who commented so negatively on your blog. With my very first short story online to Canadian online magazine, it got rave reviews from almost everyone except one person who ripped me apart. Needless to say, I was devastated. That almost ten years ago. The Publisher asked me if I wanted her to remove the comment. I said NO! It is still there. It helps me grow and to realize that not everyone is going to like what I l write, so I got used to the acceptance that everyone has an opinion. That doesn’t mean that their is opinion is true though.
Wishing you all the best.
Shalom aleichem

Sorry you got an ugly comment. Kudos to you for just letting it ride and roll off your back.

I will miss your words at WEP – your words always touch my heart. Having said that, I get it. Sending hugs your way.
It absolutely blows my mind when someone reaches out to me as well. Reviews from complete strangers amaze me!

That’s the thing about opinions – they are just that, not facts. Not everyone agrees but it’s nicer when people accept that.

Ah, the nasty comment conundrum. Apparently, parents no longer raise their children with basic good manners of “if you can’t say something nice, keep your mouth shut.” Because these days, it’s all about calling out our “truth.” Which is often just an excuse for being an asshat. I’ve seen some bloggers take nasty comments and make humorous posts out of them. Others have done things like their Top Ten Favorite Nasty Comments, with some pretty hilarious commentary. Leaving the comments is a statement in itself, because nasty words say more about the poster than it says about you. The bottom line? Your blog, your rules.

Hello Toi. I’m so sorry for that hurtful comment and that you’re still smarting from it. That’s one of the things about writing, and I sometimes wonder if that’s why I’m taking my sweet time to publish as I know there are trolls, hateful reviews, mocking reviews…to be faced…but I’m now prepared. But that would be less personal than a blogger ‘friend’ commenting in such a way it hurt.
I’m also sorry that you’re pulling out of WEP as you know. Your writing has found its voice and a voice we’re all paying attention to. Nick chose you as the winner yet again! It will be such a shame if you take your talent away. I just hope and pray you can get over this and realize that all the great figures of our lifetime, including such as MLK, faced brickbats as well as kudos. I won’t be the only one missing you if you go. But I respect your decision, whatever it is.

I didn’t post this month, too busy with my pre-publication jitters so you don’t have to visit!

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