Author Insights

Your Vote Is Kindly Requested

My soon to be re-released book Eternal Curse: Giovanni’s Angel has qualified me for a chance to be included in The Author “50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading” publication under the category of Christian Fiction (I thought it was Faith-based fiction, but who can keep up with these labels?). I wasn’t excepting this opportunity, but it’s here and I’m very excited. Please consider giving me your vote. If you need more convincing, simply take a few moments to read the essay I’ve written about my writing journey. After you’ve read the essay, go to where it says “Click here to vote” if you would like to show your support.

Voting ends November 1, 2013.

Thank you all for the support you’ve shown me so far. I hope to make you all proud.

This is an unofficial Author Insights post.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Author Insights

Author Insights 07: Ways to Follow


Email is the best way for me to follow a blog, because it reminds me that I’m even following a certain blog and when I’m not in the mood, I simply delete the message or come back to it later.

WordPress is a community of bloggers and blog followers, and the follow feature is built in, but you can still customize it. If it’s a blog I know I really don’t want to miss, I’ll set up a daily or weekly digest for my email. Other than that, I make a point to visit the WordPress Reader a few times a week. WordPress is ideal because it lets you see who’s following you and others can see if you are following them.

Networked Blog is great if you’re already using it to follow other blogs. I also like it because I can see the people who are following me and they can see that I’m following them.

For Blogger, Google Friend connect does this also, but I find that it’s sometimes not the best way to follow to actually receive content. Again I can see who’s following me and they and see me.

Ah, Feedly. I heart Feedly. It has become my go to blog reader. Most blogs I follow, I actually follow twice, unless I do an email subscription. I try to follow as much as possible using Worpress, Networked Blogs, and Google Friend Connect, just so my little face is there smiling at my favorite bloggers, but I find that if I’m actually reading and commenting on that bloggers content, it’s because of Feedly. Feedly keeps me from having to go to all the above mentioned places to visit all the blogs I follow because they are all in one place.

Now, there’s Bloglovin. So, for once I’m really late on something I already knew about but didn’t realize. Let me explain. I follow a few fashion blogs. I got into the habit because of my sister Tori who loves fashion and is constantly teaching me a thing or two about it. I follow all my fashion blogs through Bloglovin and for some reason figured that’s all Bloglovin was for. How silly of me.

Sooooo, I guess I’ll be playing around with Bloglovin and Feedly to see which suits me best, but knowing me, I’ll probably end up using them both.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords #cursescanbebroken

Author Insights

A Milestone Worth Mentioning

I’ve been having such a crazy weekend that I almost missed this. At some point I reached and passed 100 followers on this blog. This is no small feat for me. I’m an constantly amazed by the welcoming support of this blog community.

Thank you all for your support and I hope I’m able to keep on entertaining you for a very long time.

This is an unofficial Author Insights post.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords