About Toi AdventuresNBlogging Holiday

Happy 3rd Blog Anniversary!


It still blows my mind that I’ve been here at the ToiBox for only three years, especially since I know my blogging history goes further back than that. Still, the ToiBox is my home on the web and all those other adventures are just memories now.

Speaking of memories, it’s time to take a look a back. But first I need to recognize someone special to me. On August 21st I forgot to recognize Abraham, the main supporting character of my novel Eternal Curse: Giovanni’s Angel.


Happy Belated Birthday Abraham!

This past blogging year has been interesting to say the least.

I participated in some really cool blog hops.

I stopped participating in a few memes.

I participated in the 31 days challenge, but not this year. I’m holding out for the A-Z.

I did a better job of recognizing holidays.

Tried some new things that worked and bunch that didn’t (this blog has been restructured way too many times and I’m not done yet.)

I got a little personal talking about the transition of leaving be a publisher and embracing complete indie status.

I caught up with a few previous guests to this blog.

I received a few blog recognition awards, the most I ever have (You like me, you really really like me 🙂 )

I started hosting for virtual book tours to fill in blog gaps and boy am I glad I did.

I started writing and posting short fiction.

I revamped my newsletter and am still struggling to truly connect with my subscribers; but hey, like everything else, it’s a work in progress.

And I posted my first piece of fan mail.

The last thing I’ll leave you with isn’t about this blog at all but about me, the author of this blog. A few months back I received a quote in my local newspaper after attending a mini-Con. I never shared it them, but just felt like it today.



Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

About Toi Promotion Videos

@GW_Pomichter Hangin With Author @toithomas, #video interview. #indieloveapc

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

About Toi Question of the Month

#Question of the Month: a bloghop to think about. No. 3- Would you turn family in to the cops?

A little while ago, Michael D’Agostino, of A Life Examined, brought up the idea of a new blog hop called Question of the Month. He thinks blog readers would like to know a little more about us, the bloggers. So we’re all gathering to show you guys who we are by taking part in the Question of the Month blog hop. On the first Monday of each month, we answer the question that gets posted here.

This month’s question is: “If your parent or child committed a major crime, would you turn them in?”

The first thing I considered when I saw this question was, “What’s the major crime?”

The reason I asked myself this question is because of the current political/racial tension in the U.S. I’m not going to go into a spiel about right and wrong or ask if you care about “black live.” The reason this question popped up is because sometimes things that aren’t crimes now, once were. For example:

-In some states marijuana is now legal.
-Gay marriage is legal.
-And for those of you who pretend not to remember, there was a time when interracial marriage was a crime, and so on…but of course I realize that these aren’t major crimes.

Now, I’m not here to advocate for or against anything, but I wanted to explain why I take justice a lot more serious than I do “crime”. Yes some crimes are clearly wrong, but many others are founded in popular opinion or are a sign of the times.

So to answer the question, if a family member killed someone or stole from someone, yes I would turn them in. There are probably other “crimes” for which I would do the same, but I would evaluate the situation as is arose and not apply a blanket reaction.

Please check out the other participants in this hop and even join in if you’d like.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords