About Toi

All About Me Monday No. 01 #thetoiboxofwords #geek

I’m making some changes around here. I’m combining four posts into one- one day all about me and, hopefully, you too if you care to join in and comment. I’d like to start the day off by counting my blessings. Here’s number 24.


Plastic (synthetic fibers)

While nothing will ever be able to compare to the smooth, delicate warmth of genuine silk or the shiny luster of precious gold, there’s something to be said about plastics and other synthetic fibers. This is one advancement in technology that I have no trouble standing behind, except for when it comes to debating the use of all natural products (which I am for), but sometimes it’s good to go against nature. If we left everything up to nature, when a soldier loses a limb in battle or a construction worker gets maimed, we wouldn’t bother trying to give him/her new limbs because that’s not how nature works.

I like plastics because they do make our fast moving world safer. They protect us from ourselves. I also like that most, not all, but most plastics are recyclable and naturally reusable. I’m blessed to live in a world where a childrens’ playroom can be filled with soft round plastics instead of hard pointed wood, glass, and metal.

Now it’s time for some inspiration with My Geekdom 24: Dragons

Pins from Pinterest that inspire me and indulge my geekness.
Click image to visit my boards

Pinterest board

I am going to write a story about a dragon as soon as I come up with a storyline worth sharing with the world.
Dragons are magical, powerful, mystical, spiritual, mythical, and so much more. They can be good, bad, or somewhere in between. Tales of dragons go back to the beginning of time. There isn’t much more I can say about them. Just thinking of dragons makes me want to read or write something filled with magic and wonder of the great unknown.


Now it’s time to get a little personal with my Top 5 – Movie Genres (23).

sample This is a list of my top five something. Most of the time my lists are pretty static, but sometimes I do change my mind. While I do try to apply some logic to my choices, sometimes I pick things that make no sense and for no good reason other than “I like it.”

Movie Genres

1. Action/Adventure

2. Sci-fi/Fantasy

3. Comedy

4. Quirky/Independent

5. Animation

-Honorable Mention- Foreign

Thanks to Hulu and Netflix I have discovered the creativity of foreign storytelling through film. I like to be entertained and in doing so, I don’t always need to be shocked, intellectually stimulated, or challenged morally or emotionally. Sometimes a good movie is just brain and or eye candy.

So now, it’s time to end things on a more biographical note with my Listography of: Past Boyfriends or Close Encounters (23).


These are the lists that tell my life story. They are in no particular order and some of them are very personal. Please be nice, and if you want to share, I’d be glad to take a look at what you have.

Past Boyfriends or Close Encounters
-Some kid when I was two – four. I remember there was a little boy I absolutely adored, but I can’t even imagine his face or think of his name now. The feeling is still clear though. I really liked that kid, as if he was one of my stuffed animals.

-Josh. A kid I knew in the third grade. He was awkward, but I like him.

-DeJuan. I boy from fifth grade who became a great friend before his family moved to another state.

-Richard. Another boy from fifth grade who followed me to sixth grade. He was good looking, but trouble. Way too mature for his age and I wasn’t willing to participate.

-Gentrey. Richard’s friend who I thought was different, but not so much.

-John. A high schooler in love with a middle schooler and very sweet. Also a little obsessive. 7th and 9th grades are not the time and place to be thinking about marriage.

-My Stalker in 9th grade was never my boyfriend, but he made me weary about dating all together.

-Derrick. Handsome and funny. My mom liked him and I liked his family. In the end, we were meant to be friends.

-Random first dates with serval guys who weren’t interested in dating a pretty girl who never “puts out.”

-The guy I thought was pretty nice until he joined the military and then went AWOL.

-The first date who died tragically a week later.

-The drop dead gorgeous guy with little to no personality and baby momma drama. It lasted three dates.

-My husband who almost ended up dating my roommate, but that was a misunderstanding on my part. Apparently we had been dating the whole time, but I thought he was hanging out with me to learn more about her. 😉

Listography are books and a website dedicated to helping you write or consider your autobiography through the process of making lists.

Go ahead, add your two cents. I’d love to know about you.

Visit my topics/categories to see previous installments of these posts.

Also, check out the new blog hog I’m trying to put together. BooktagsBlogHop

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

About Toi Question of the Month

#Question of the Month: a #bloghop to think about. No. 5- Who would play you in a movie of your life?

A little while ago, Michael D’Agostino, of A Life Examined, brought up the idea of a new blog hop called Question of the Month. He thinks blog readers would like to know a little more about us, the bloggers. So we’re all gathering to show you guys who we are by taking part in the Question of the Month blog hop. On the first Monday of each month, we answer the question that gets posted here.

This month’s question is: “Who would play you in a movie of your life?”

This is actually a question I’ve thought about; not because I’m an egomaniac or anything, but because of a question I often ask other authors when I interview them. On a past blog anniversary, I interviewed myself asking the same question, “Who is so you (or me) and why?”

Of course as time passes by, this question becomes more and more difficult to answer. There are so many new, up and coming, and undiscovered talents out there; should my story ever be told on the big or small screen, I might not even be familiar with the person taking on the role. As long as they are relatively cute (I see myself as relatively cute), have dimples, and brown skin, I’ll be happy…

Although, we may be reaching a level of technological advancements and make-up artistry where anyone could play any role regardless of their natural skin color, but that’s a discussion for another day.

I’m trying to start a new bookish blog hop for anyone who might be interested. Please check it out. BooktagsBlogHop

Please check out the other participants in this hop and even join in if you’d like.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

About Toi Question of the Month

#Question of the Month: a #bloghop to think about. No. 4- “What’s the best job you’ve ever had?”

A little while ago, Michael D’Agostino, of A Life Examined, brought up the idea of a new blog hop called Question of the Month. He thinks blog readers would like to know a little more about us, the bloggers. So we’re all gathering to show you guys who we are by taking part in the Question of the Month blog hop. On the first Monday of each month, we answer the question that gets posted here.

This month’s question is: “What’s the best job you’ve ever had?”

I’ve had many jobs and most I haven’t thought were what I’d consider a dream job, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t like some of them. When I worked as an admin for a local production company, the hours were good, the office was quiet, making my tedious but simple task pleasant to do, but the pay was a joke.

When I had a nice paying job, the work sucked the life out of me. Now that I’m a special education teacher’s assistant, I don’t even think about money, it would just be cruel to myself to do so. Respect is out the window as well since teachers are currently the scapegoats for everything wrong with society even though we don’t have any control over the system. I do this job solely for the kids.

So, looking back at all the jobs I’ve done, I’d have to say college tutor was my best gig. For that time and place in my life, the pay was good, the hours were great, the clients were willing and cooperative adults who wanted my help and I wanted to help them.

The only job that could possibly top that would be if I could somehow manage to work from home making enough to pay my bills and still write.

Please check out the other participants in this hop and even join in if you’d like.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords