Top 5

Top 5: 21 – Singer & Songwriters

sample This is a list of my top five something. Most of the time my lists are pretty static, but sometimes I do change my mind. While I do try to apply some logic to my choices, sometimes I pick things that make no sense and for no good reason other than “I like it.”


Singer & Songwriters

1. Stevie Wonder

2. Paul McCartney

3. Elton John

4. Lionel Richie

5. Neil Diamond

You can thank my husband for this list. He and I, from time to time, challenge each other to see where we agree and differ on certain things. It’s actually a lot of fun. So, we came up with the challenge of naming our top 5 singer/song writers. This is my list. If you want his, leave me a comment and I’ll post it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

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By Toi Thomas

Author and illustrator of children's books, as well as clean adult fiction and nonfiction. Toi is a geek-girl blogger, vlogger, reviewer, and advocate for a healthy reading lifestyle. She finds comfort in faith, family, and creative expression. Toi believes in the dream of world harmony and hopes all your dreams come true.

4 replies on “Top 5: 21 – Singer & Songwriters”

‘I like it’ strikes me as being the best reason for putting anything on your list. Surely you wouldn’t include something you didn’t like, would you? Unless it was a hate list but then you’re far too polite to publish such a list, so it would never apply.
A good list.

Thanks. I hope to include more of these down the road, if I can only remember to post them.

You totally should. We do it all the time…It’s like we’re constantly getting to know each other better and it’s fun.

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