Day in a Life

A Day in My Life: May ’14: Rubber Ducky


You may or may not find this surprising, but as a writer I’ve never been much of a journaler (I like making up words). I’ve always kept writing, sketching, and poetry notebooks, but I’ve never really liked writing about myself. This monthly post is my attempt at rectifying that and is an opportunity for me to get a little personal, as I share a single event from my life.


May 2014 – Rubber Ducky You’re the One…

So the month of May has been a little stressful, but I can’t complain too much. It’s not like it’s Birthday month or anything like that (that’s what I call June). Anyway, I haven’t done a whole lot simply because I’ve been tired and taking advantage of the fact that I’m no longer working extra odd/long hours at my day job. One cool thing did occur recently even though I was slightly traumatized by it in the beginning.

I went to the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, VA to see a giant rubber ducky (that’s right people, don’t be afraid to sing along). On my way to see Florentijn Hofman’s Rubber Duck, I experienced my usual apprehension…I don’t like crowds. They make me cry, and sweat, and shake all over, but I barreled through with the help of my devoted husband.

Even after making it out among the crowd and taking my picture with the duck, I was still fidgety, but my husband would have none of it. He rushed me into the museum building (in case you didn’t know- crowds in a confined space is worse than the ones out in the open) to see the new glass exhibit. It really was an astonishingly beautiful exhibit, but I don’t think I truly appreciated it until after we left the crowd and I could reflect on everything I saw.

All in all, it was a very nice day and I managed not to cry, even though I wanted to a few times. I actually had fun. However, it will be awhile before I go to another fee exhibit viewing (Didn’t I mention it was free that day? That’s why the placed was swamped more than usual.)

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords