Most people probably have no idea that the celebration of Valentine’s Day (or St. Valentine’s Day) was once a controversy, but I like to know this kind of stuff. I won’t bore you today with tales and legends of the past. Most of us have settled on the fact that in this day-and-age, Valentine’s Day is a commercial ploy to boost greeting cards and candy sales- but can’t we say that about all holidays now.
On a lighter note, don’t you just adore the season of romance? I mean, it seems like everyone, for just a little while, tries a little harder to spread love instead of war.
I think it’s great that some people believe in the spirit of love and romance and in celebrating it on a specific date each year. I usually try to send Valentines to my parents, and siblings, and my nieces and nephews. However, my husband and I decided a long time ago to not celebrate this holiday, even though we do recognize it. We do romantic stuff for each other all year long and enjoy staying away from the Valentine’s Day crowds.
So, if I haven’t completely bummed you out, I’d like to sincerely say…
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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