
Review: Life Is Difficult

La Vita E’ Triste, Ma Pure Bella: Life Is Difficult, But Also Beautiful by Mary R Pagano

I give this book a 4.


Here I thought my family was crazy! Just kidding, but not really. 😉

This memoir is a short read for those who read memoirs all the time. It took me a while to read it, only because I read a bunch of other stuff at the same time. For me, reading intense drama based on reality requires the break of escapism through fiction from time to time. While this story does have light moments, most of it is drama…family drama.

Every family is different, it’s true, but I think we are all more alike than we’d sometimes like to admit. There were things that happened in this story that would never have gone down in my family without someone calling the cops and actually following through on the charges, but not everyone thinks that way. There are things you’ll put up with from family that a stranger couldn’t even contemplate trying to do.

I liked this story because it made me appreciate my family and my life, for all the struggles we do and don’t have that bring us closer together. This is a short and simple read filled with drama and emotion.

I recommend this book to fans of memoirs.

Disclosure-This book was given in exchange for an honest review.

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