My Geekdom

My Geekdom 07: The Muppets


Pins from Pinterest that inspire me and indulge my geekness.

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The Muppets are great! They are so weird, and silly, and cute. They are a ragtag group of friends who’ve been all over the world and back, and even when they split, it’s not long before they all come back together again. Fantasy gets kooky in the world of Jim Henson’s Muppets. There are no boundaries and everything that would normally be weird, is perfectly normal and acceptable. Talking food, animals with animals as pets, interspecies dating…when you write it out like this it actually sounds a little twisted and sick, but it’s the Muppets and they can get away with it.

The Muppets use all their special qualities and super oddness to entertain and even teach many subtle life lessons.  In the world of the Muppets: bullying is unacceptable, discrimination is intolerable, and hate acts and hate speech are unthinkable. In a world where so many people are alike, but different from so many others, it takes a group like the Muppets to show us how we can all get along. A pig, a frog, a bear, an alien, and so much more have figured out what the white man, the black man, the brown man, and so on are still working to understand.

The Muppets make me laugh, but more importantly, they make me think of unity. Unity, or the lack of, is a major theme developing in the world of the Eternal Curse. It’s something so new to the series; even I can’t wait to see where I go with it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

My Geekdom

My Geekdom 06: Darth Vadar


Pins from Pinterest that inspire me and indulge my geekness.

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Even villains were kids once, though most people, by now, know that Darth Vadar was born Anakin Skywalker. I like this image because, aside from being cute, there’s a sense of hope in it. Obviously, something went wrong along the way, but there’s always a story, told or untold, that explains it all.

Anyone could be a villain; people don’t set out to be bad or do bad things, but circumstance can sometimes change faster that we are able to process and deal with them. In the Eternal Curse Series, there is always a reason why someone is either good or bad, but sometimes it is not so clear as to whether someone is good or bad. Sometimes, heroes are seen as villains and villains are seen as heroes, at least in all the really good stories, the truth eventually comes out and all is explained, even if it’s not all better. I cling to this idea as I continue to write my EC series…it truly doesn’t take a genius to see where and how I’ve been influenced by this story and others, if you just read between the lines of my book.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

My Geekdom

My Geekdom 05: Garfield


Pins from Pinterest that inspire me and indulge my geekness.

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I truly believe that there are some people who are put on the planet to make the rest of us feel good about ourselves. In the world of cartoons and comic strips, Garfield is “the one.” No one can be as lazy, sneaky, and indifferent as Garfield and still be as lovable. As self-centered as he can be, Garfield has redeeming moments and qualities. He’s not a mean or hateful cat; that would require too much effort. Though he’s not swarming with friends and invitations, he loves the ones he’s close to and they love him.

The truth is, I relate to Garfield. It’s hard to explain, but that cat gets in my head. When I write sometimes, I try to think what Garfield would do and do the opposite. When push comes to shove, Garfield would never sit idly by if his friends truly needed him, but if a plate of lasagna was in his way, it might take him a while to come to the rescue.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords