It’s not so much the man I admire as it is what he stood for. History has proven, time and again that heroes and the ones placed high on pedestals, are often the ones to fall hard from their elevated status, in one way or another. I’m sometimes saddened by how people’s opinions and, even, their actions are so wrapped around the perceived character of a public figure. I, however, choose to follow ideals and principles that matter to me and don’t put all my hopes in the character of another.
Veering away from that tangent, I’d like to praise MLK for the symbol of peace and equality he is. Though we have come a long way, we still have so much further to go. Thanks to people like MLK we now live in a world where people have to think twice about how they treat others different from themselves. My hope is that one day no one will have to think about their actions because everyone will finally embrace the ideals of equality at their very core- perhaps people will be born colorblind and have an appreciation for humanity never before experienced in history.
Like MLK before me, I have a dream and hope that one day, World Harmony, will become a reality.
This is an updated and reposted post.
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