My Geekdom

My Geekdom 21: Gardens

Pins from Pinterest that inspire me and indulge my geekness.
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Wish it Was Eden

There is so much I could say about the importance of gardens. I write about them often and enjoy reading about them. There’s no shortage of tales about or involving gardens. Like labyrinths, garden/farming tales go back to the beginning of time.

I used to have one with my dad and maybe one day I’ll have another one of my own. Even with all my allergies, I adore gardens. They are so peaceful and beautiful, and such an easy way to get back to nature.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

My Geekdom

My Geekdom 20: Daria

Pins from Pinterest that inspire me and indulge my geekness.
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My Geekdom

Some people think I’m sarcastic; probably because I am. I guess that’s why I relate to Daria. She’s not much of an inspiration in my writing other than being an example of how to be myself despite what others think or say. If you haven’t experienced Daria, please give her a try (not recommended for young children).

That’s all.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

My Geekdom

My Geekdom 19: Martian Manhunter

Pins from Pinterest that inspire me and indulge my geekness.
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My Geekdom

Here I go again talking about a green man. J’onn Jones, aka Martian Manhunter, is a complex character. If you can understand and grasp the multi-facets of this character, then you are on your way to mastering character development.

Not to make everyone uncomfortable, but as a black person, J’onn is quite a role model. It isn’t enough for him to be a superhero from a another planet working to save the lives of earthlings; no, he also has to shape-shift himself to look like an earthling sometimes because some people still fear him or even hate him because of how he looks.

He and Clark (Superman) have a special relationship. While they are both super powerful beings from other planets, Superman looks like “one of us” and is more accepted and welcomed than Manhunter (don’t let the name fool you, he doesn’t hunt humans).

I could go on more, but there’s no point. There is so much riveting backstory to this character that when I think I can’t come up with something for a character I’m working on, I think of him, then tell myself to “suck it up!”

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords