
Eternal Cause is a Go!


Even though I’m going it alone, I’ve decided to stick to my plan to do my part to support a cause that matters to me. On June 16th, I will share Abraham’s story and host a giveaway in efforts to raise funds for The American Cancer society. I’ll be offering 50% of the proceeds of my book sales, but most of all, I’ve be allowing entry into my giveaway without purchasing any of my books. If people will consider giving directly to the ACS, I’ll enter them into my giveaway as a thank you.

I tried to get others involved in this endeavor, but no one was interested. If by any chance another blogger wouldn’t mind to share my Eternal Cause post on or around June 16, they’ll be entered into my giveaway also. I’ll also have a separate special prize to offer participating bloggers outside of my overall giveaway. If you are interested, please click here.

So here’s what I’m giving away, whether I sell any books or not. It’s all about this cause!

Eternal Curse themed gift box including:
A set of gourmet coffee, tea, and cocoa (Green Tea Cocoa is a thing),
1 signature piece of December 10 jewelry from Tori J. Jones (my inspiration for Mira),
1 DVD copy of Rear Window (Abraham’s favorite movie),
1 paperback copy of the Dreamer’s Dictionary (It’s all about Giovanni’s dreams),
1 digital download card of Eternal Curse to give as a gift, and
1 Eternal Curse Fan pack: t-shirt, pen, poster, and bookmark

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


Worth a Shot for a Good Cause

After suffering a recent loss, I have a desire to give to the American Cancer Society, but funds are lacking. I’m not impoverished or anything like that, I just can’t give the way I’d like. I thought about using some proceeds from my books sales, but I wanted there to be an emphasis and focus on this cause. I thought that if I could bring about increased awareness of this cause, that would be just as good as if I gave what I truly desired. That’s when I decided to combine these ideas.

For a set period of time, I’ll be giving 50% of my book proceeds to this cause, but this isn’t all about selling books. I’ll be offering a pretty sweet giveaway to help incentivize people into participating in this endeavor, but no purchases of my books will be necessary to enter and win the prize. If I can’t raise the funds I desire to give to the ACS by selling my books, at least I hope I can be a driving force that gets other people involved in donating to this cause.

Here are my meager offerings:
-1 free entry into my giveaway for each blogger who posts the blitz
-a chance to win an Amazon gift card for participating bloggers
-1 800word, cleaver, and colorful post for your blog
-and a link-back in a post on my blog in tribute to each blogger participating in this blitz

If you are at all interested in this endeavor, please fill out the form at this link.

I know this isn’t going to be for everyone, so thank you in advance all for your time and consideration. If you like this let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords