2014 National Wormhole Week and Blog Hop! 3/10-16/2014

This blog hop and blog tour are brought to you by: Alex Cavanaugh, L. Diane Wolfe, and Stephen Tremp– the author of Escalation.
For 2014, the theme is to name one thing where science advances mankind, and one where technology with unforeseen consequences will go too far and set mankind back. Example: De-Extinction, or bringing back extinction species through back breeding, genetic engineering, and cloning. With all the breakthrough discoveries mankind is on the cusp of, are we playing God?
Feel free to reference movies and books too. These provide no shortage if inspiration. Speaking of de-extinction, the book and movie Jurassic Park comes to mind where science takes a huge leap forward, but also backfires. I’m looking forward to all the amazing responses everyone will have.
Each day this week I’ll be sharing quotes from sci-fi movies or books along with my thoughts on how far technologies still needs to go and where I think it will go too far.

Today I’m focusing on the things we do to ourselves. We as people often have good intentions, but then we end up hurting ourselves because we don’t take time to see the bigger picture.
The movie I’ve picked for today is The Matrix and this a definitely a new sci-fi classic (love it or hate it).
From the movie, The Matrix I give you…
“We don’t know who struck first, us or them. But we do know it was us that scorched the sky. At the time, they were dependent on solar power. It was believed they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the sun. ” ~Morpheus (from IMDB)
So have you heard the story about how the government (I’m guessing the US, but could it be any one) tried to genetically engineer a larger, better functioning, and more resilient honey bee and ended up creating the phenomena of killer bees, and that now all the honey bees in the world are on the verge of extinction…
Is it really hard to believe that even after millions of people have seen this blockbuster move that at some point in the future we might create machines so smart that they become intelligent and want to fight for their independence and then we scorch the sun to one-up them only to make thing worse for ourselves?
Whoa! I need to slow down and think critically…Yes, history if full of examples of where “we did it to ourselves” but I don’t really think we’re ready to force ourselves into darkness. I guess today’s focus isn’t so much a reiteration of my A.I. concerns as it is a cautionary tale to the misuse of resources and technology we already have.
I love the fact that if I get lost I can receive step-be-step directions on m phone, but do we really need satellites taking pictures of our homes every couple of hours? At what point does something as simple as this come to bite us in the butt?
Being totally and completely transparent and honesty now- I see the good, but
The Information Age Terrifies Me!
If you haven’t already, be sure to check out all the other ideas and theories about where technology is heading and going wrong.
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Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords