Created and hosted by the Ninja himself, Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writers Support Group posts the 1st Wednesday of every month. Click here to learn more or sign up.
This post contains affiliate links. If you click through to make a purchase, I may make a small commission at no additional cost to you. Any amount I make goes towards my dream to host a book fair in Hampton Roads, VA. Please see my About page for more details. Thank you for your support.
Optional Monthly Question: How long have you been blogging? (Or on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram?) What do you like about it and how has it changed?
I started blogging back in either 2010 or 2011 with my 40 Days and Nights of Eternal Curse blog. I moved on to several other blogs that I ran all the same time before streamlining my efforts into this blog, The ToiBox of Words. I started this blog in 2012 and may be ending it in 2024 because I’m really NOT happy with my server. We’ll see what the future holds.
I’ve been trying really hard to build up my Patreon community. I can’t figure out why so many people are willing to sign up for newsletters but not this. It’s just as free as a newsletter and comes in your email just like a newsletter. Oh, well. I guess if it’s meant to be, it will be. If it’s not, it’s not.
My book about Margie, my rescue dog, is up for digital pre-order and I plan to release the book on April 29, 2024. That’s my wedding anniversary and it seemed like a good day to release it. I’d planned to post the giveaway information this month, but I’ll have to wait until May because of life circumstances. I’m very excited about what I’m giving away and how people can enter. I think it’ll be a lot of fun.

Now, on to the personal updates.
I’ll be at Raven Con in Richmond, VA in the middle of the month and look forward to recapping that experience with you all next month.
How long have you been blogging?
It may take some time, but I promise, I will eventually stop by your blog.
My response time has gotten slower but I’m still making my rounds.
After hanging out with Alex, be sure to stop by and visit this month’s co-hosts:
Janet Alcorn,
T. Powell Coltrin,
Natalie Aguirre, and
Pat Garcia!
Click here to visit other IWSG blogs and sites to receive and share more inspiration and support. (This month, I’m #27).
Did you know you can join my community for FREE over at Patreon to receive a monthly update on the creative projects I’m working on? I tell you the truth, it’s better than a newsletter!
Thank you for making it this far down the virtual page. Kudos to you! I’d love to know what you thought of this post in the comments below. Stay safe and be blessed.