
#IWSG October 2014: Have A Plan


Created and hosted by the Ninja himself, Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writers Support Group posts the 1st Wednesday of every month. Click the image to learn more or sign up.

In honor of IWSG’s three year anniversary and one year anniversary of the website and Facebook Group, the IWSG Team is putting together an eBook that will benefit all writers – The IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond. And we invite all IWSG members, Facebook members, and followers to contribute.

Here are the details:
The three topics will be writing, publishing, and marketing.

Each contribution needs to be between 200 and 1000 words. Focus on one of those three aspects and give us your best tip or procedure. The essay can include bullet points, top ten lists, and recommendations. (Websites, software, books, etc.)

You can either post it for your October 1 IWSG post or email it directly to TheIWSG AT or alexjcavanaugh AT (Since the length can go over the standard IWSG post length.) Include a one sentence byline and a link to your site. Also state that you give us permission to use it in the book and which topic it falls under. (We will only edit for misspellings and grammar mistakes.)

All submissions need to be sent or posted by October 2, 2014.We will compile them into an eBook and aim for an early December release. The book will be free and available for all eReaders.

Thank you for making the IWSG such a huge success!!


Publishing seems like a simple concept, and at its core, it should be but things aren’t always what they should be. To publish, according to, is to issue textual material for sale or distribution, but of course I’m paraphrasing. With this definition, publishing does seem simple indeed, but we all know there are steps to publishing and that’s where things get complicated.

Step 1: Have an idea or desire to write about something.
Step 2: Write and develop the idea into a consumable format (printed, digital, audio, etc…).
Step 3: Publish and promote the developed idea.
Step 4: Sale and distribute the developed idea.

Even these steps seem simple, but again there’s more to it. One thing’s for sure when taking these steps into consideration, publishing needs a plan.

I want to hone in on Step 3 for just a moment. Publishing has been a tricky pursuit as of late. With so many options available to the masses, it’s easy to get caught up in all the hype and miss an opportunity to make the best decision as opposed to the easiest or most popular decision. The question on the minds of many is whether to pursue traditional publishing, independent publishing, or something in between. Also, many wonder what defines traditional publishing, independent publishing, and as for the in between, let’s just call it hybrid publishing. While I don’t have all the answers, here’s how I see it.

Traditional publishing is when an author signs a contract with a publishing house, big or small, and no payment of services is required up front. With traditional publishing many aspect of the process are taken care of, such as: editing, distribution, and some marketing, but also some of the creativity may be limited when it comes to the ultimate title and or cover of the book as well some other minor issues. The publisher registers the copyright and ISBN for distribution purposes.

Independent publishing is a term that’s often misinterpreted and rarely understood. True independent publishing means that the author is the publisher in deed and title. The author writes, edits, markets, prints, distributes, and so on or contracts professionals to do so on their behalf. The author registers the copyright and ISBN and is recognized as an independent publisher, not just an indie author. The author/publisher has total control of the entire process from beginning to end which includes all the financial responsibility as well.

Hybrid publishing is what most people consider independent publishing. All the all authors who publish exclusively with are essentially hybrid published authors. They do not always own their ISBN and while they own the rights to their work, the copyright is registered to for the purposes of distribution. Amazon doesn’t own the rights of the work, but the rights to distribute it. There are many other cases and examples of this such as: and many more. I simply used as a quick reference. Here the author is given a greater amount of control over the publishing process than with traditional publishing, but still not all of it and there are fees involved.

What this all boils down to is having a plan. Not every writer wants to be a published author. Many are content to blog and share their work with the public in their own special way, but for those who desire publication, a plan of attack is necessary. Just as a good writer does due diligence and research for the development of their stories, so must a good writer do their due diligence in the pursuit of publication.

There is no right or wrong path to pursue on the road to publication anymore. Each individual must decide for themselves how they want to pursue their dream of publication. There is no quick and easy road to personal success and if you are looking for more than that, you may not be ready to call yourself an author.

Decide what you desire to reach your personal success and do your research to find the best path to take you where you want to go. Everything else that comes along the way is extra; extra baggage, extra goodies, extra work, extra goals and dreams.

Do you have a plan for your writing and publishing path?
How will you compose your story?
How will you go about perfecting and editing it?
How will you publish it?
And how will you market and distribute it?

Hybrid publishing is not a term I came up with. I’ve seen it used by others and apply the term to myself and my work. 


After hanging out with Alex, be sure to stop by and visit this month’s co-hosts:
Kristin SmithElsieSuzanne Furness, and Fundy Blue!


Click here to visit other IWSG blogs and sites to receive and share inspiration and support. (This month, I’m #139).

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Fun Hops Videos

Underrated Treasures Blogfest!

Hosted by the Ninja himself, Alex J. Cavanagh, this blogfest is sure to entertain you for days to come.

Everyone has a favorite movie or band that no one else has ever heard about. For whatever reason, they remain undiscovered and underrated. Now is our chance to tell the world about these obscure treasures!

Today’s the day I post about my favorite unknown:  MOVIE, BAND/ARTIST, TV SHOW, or BOOK. I can post about one or all four – my choice.

So here I go.



I like the movie MirrorMask. I’m not saying that it’s my favorite movie or even my favorite obscure movie, but I do think it’s worth mentioning and here’s why: Neil Gaiman, Dave McKean, and Jim Henson.

There aren’t many around today who aren’t at least socially aware of the creative talent of Neil Gaiman. Whether or not people like his work or have even experienced it personally, most people in western civilization, at least, know who he is. I like Gaiman’s work. His influence and voice are clearly evident throughout this film.

Apparently Dave McKean wears many hats, including: Illustrator, photographer, writer, filmmaker, and musician. That’s all well and good, but I mainly know him from, Batman: Arkham Asylum, but have recently viewed some of this other work and am pleased with it. McKean’s signature artistic style shines in this film.

Then there’s Jim Henson. No need to talk this guy and his production company up. If people don’t know who he is, they can Google him. The Henson influence in this film isn’t huge, but it is significant. The Henson influence also isn’t its typically bright, high-spirited, more popular influence; it’s more along the lines of Dark Crystal and Labyrinth…which of course, is right up my alley.

When it comes to describing this movie there are three words that come to mind: weird, trippy, and complex. This isn’t a film that leaves you completely satisfied upon completing it, but that’s why I like it. It’s keeps you wondering, second guessing, and tilting your head. It’s a visual anomaly, having many clever and striking graphics, but there are also some that you’re just not quite sure are supposed to appear the way they do. This isn’t a comfortable film to watch, but for me, that challenge is part of the magic that makes this movie worth experiencing…And despite what critics say, the story is wonderful. It’s not completely coherent in places, but it’s unique and original, and that in itself is an accomplishment.

See the trailer here:

Song– Bohemian Rhapsody cover by The Braids (altering the category of BAND/ARTIST)

There’s nothing better than the original Bohemian Rhapsody by the band Queen. This is one of those times when you’ll really have to hear me out before you decide to hang me. There’s a very specific and important reason I want to feature this particular cover of this song, but first I need to explain why I chose it for this list.

Plain and simple, I chose this song because not many people know it exists. Being from the High School High soundtrack, I can’t blame them. I’ve never even seen this movie, but I’m pretty sure I don’t need to. I originally heard the song on the radio back in high school, which brings me to why I’m featuring this song now.

I think most people take it for granted that everyone kind of shares their options about certain things without taking into consideration cultural difference. One great Cultural Revolution I like at the moment is the mixture of musical genres. Now I do love my classics and can be a bit of a traditionalist, but I like that people are expanding their musical horizons.

There was a time, and in some places this is still the case, when music was strictly regional. Black urban youths had no idea who groups like Queen and The Ramones were. I’m sure there were other regions where groups like Digable Planets and Digital Underground didn’t exist either.

When I heard The Braids cover of this song, I was excited to finally have a way to talk about a song and band I liked with my peers by sharing and comparing this song to the original version. This isn’t a great cover, but it’s not a bad one either. It’s definitely different from the original, but that’s why it’s so special. I have several friends now who’ve experienced many different musical genres all because I found a way to reach them, initially, with this simple cover song.

Finding a sample of this song was more than hard. Unfortunately the only one I could find was from a You Tube video where the person who posted it, included a picture of the group Fugees. I’m not sure why this person did that, but this song is definitely not by the Fugees; it’s by The Braids.

Listen to (don’t watch) this song here:

TV showOut of This World


Every time I try to bring this show up in a conversation, people look at me like I’ve smashed together the languages of French and Stark Trek’s Klingon. I was actually amazed by how easy it was to find this with a Google search, but I guess it was because I knew what I was looking for. I know I can’t be the only sci-fi/fantasy fan who remembers this show from their childhood.

I distinctly remember the classic song, Swinging a Star popularized by Bing Crosby, being the theme song for the show, though it wasn’t his version that was used. As a kid, this show was right up there with Small Wonder, Alf, and Greatest American Hero (another underrated classic). If you don’t know these either, head to the Google machine.

This show had everything a young female sci-fi fan could ask for. It told the story of a girl who was half alien and had special alien powers. It was traditional silly, after school sit-con material, though it could also fit in well with Saturday morning shows like Saved By the Bell. I don’t think this show was ever in danger of winning an Emmy, but I liked it.

See the trailer here:

Well that’s it. It’s more than I meant to share, but hey, I was on a roll. I couldn’t think of a book to add, so you lucked out there. Be sure to drop by and visit other stops on this hop. Whether you liked what I posted or not, someone else is bound to have something just for you.

Click here to see the Linky list.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


#IWSG September 2014: Transitions


Created and hosted by the Ninja himself, Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writers Support Group posts the 1st Wednesday of every month. Click the image to learn more or sign up.


I often how well others handle transitions, those times spent in between one part of your life and other. I don’t think I handle them too badly, but I know I have room for improvement. I also wonder how one identifies whether they are in a place of transition rather than a consistent state of being. For instance, in terms of relationships, there the dating/courtship period and there’s marriage; the transition between the two is called an engagement. What do you call when you’re in a place somewhere between being a newbie/novice and being on top/an expert in your field? I feel like that’s where I am.

I’m been writing and blogging for about four years now and I’m still no expert and definitely not on top, but I’m no novice either. Sometimes I count my goals to give me perspective, but lately I’ve learned that counting them isn’t enough. I also have to reevaluate to make sure to pursuing what truly best and simply chasing after something for all the wrong reasons.

I guess the point of all this is that I feel like I’m ready to move on to bigger and better things, but I’m just not there yet. So, do I continue down this path the same way I’ve been going, try something new, or try to stopping wanting so much? I seriously don’t see the latter as a viable option.

Do you feel like you are in a transition or have you been in one? How did you get out? I’d seriously love to know.

After listening to me ponder my own query, here’s something that you may or may not be interested in and that may put a smile on your face. I’ve just relaunched my You Tube channel with all new programming and just aired my first episode. You can check it out here if you’d like.


After hanging out with Alex, be sure to stop by and visit this month’s co-hosts: Laura, Mark Koopmans, Shah Wharton, and Sheena-Kay Graham!


Click here to visit other IWSG blogs and sites to receive and share inspiration and support. (This month, I’m #151).

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords