
Happy Father’s Day! 2014

What is a father? Well, he’s not a sperm donor, one half of a genetic code, or even some man who once told a woman he loved her.

No, a father is a man you want to call daddy, but sometimes he could be a grandpa, a big brother, a cousin, an uncle, or even a friend.

A father is a man who shows up when you need him most or who makes sacrifices without expecting anything in return.

A father a man who feels pride when he’s sees a difference in a child’s life that he had something to do with. He feels pride when a child achieves something like: catching a ball, reading for the first time, standing up to a bully, making all C’s when he or she was once failing, and learning and knowing the difference between doing what feels good and doing what’s right.

A father is a real man who isn’t afraid to love a child and show he cares. He could be grandpa, daddy, brother, cousin, uncle, or friend.

When someone says the word father, he’s the one you think of first without having any regrets.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Character Files EC: GA Files EC: Giovanni's Angel

Happy Birthday Mira! – 2014

Click to see more.

If Eternal Curse: Giovanni’s Angel was a movie, Mira would be its leading lady. Mira is so very important to the overall story within the Eternal Curse series for several reasons. She is a consistent element of humanity, imperfection, and hope. To learn more about her, check out these great links.

Timeline: Mira – may contain spoilers

Character Files from the ToiBox 34: Mira- Psych Test

Eternal Curse Story Guide
Click to see more.

ECGA cover

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords



Memorial Day 2014

No matter where you are from, if you are proud of your nationality, don’t be ashamed to say so. I live in the United States of America. It’s a county with a lot of greatness, great good and great bad. I don’t believe my country is all that different from others considering that they all have a lot of people who want a lot of things, and there’s no way to please everyone.

I won’t pretend to be happy with everything that’s occurred in my country’s past or present, but I am still proud to be an “American”, a term that doesn’t truly define the specific nature of my nationality since there are several countries in North and South America, but that’s indicative of where I’m from. Not everything in the U.S. is black and white or makes clear sense. Sometimes that’s a very good thing and sometimes it’s not.

Today is Memorial Day, and while for some it marks the beginning of their summer, here’s a little video from the History Channel explaining why we really observe this day. I would like to believe that every country in some form or another has a Memorial Day-like celebration, because all nations need to be reminded from time to time of the past so we can all better look toward the future.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords