Created and hosted by the Ninja himself, Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writers Support Group posts the 1st Wednesday of every month. Click here to learn more or sign up.
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Optional Monthly Question: How do you deal with distractions when you are writing? Do they derail you?
I feel like I’m distracted all the time, which is probably why I don’t write as much as I’d like. Still, there are times when I’m determined to write, and I find a way to deal. I’ve learned to put on headphones and play white or pink noise. I can sometimes face away from people or distracting things and that’s enough to help. Soft music can be helpful sometimes, but I find that I use music to help set the mood when I’m writing something specific, so it’s not always helping with distractions.
Ideally, I’d love to be able to write mornings but I’ve learned to get words in whenever I can. The only time I can recall being derailed by a distraction is when I have to tend to my dog or someone’s child. I’m never going to try to split my attention between writing and tending to the needs of a living being. Sometimes, I have to take my dog for a walk knowing that I’ll only have 15 minutes to write because her walk will take 20-30 minutes. It is what it is.
Speaking of my dog…
New Release!
Book Description
Margie is a bit skittish. She’s a hunting dog who doesn’t know how to hunt, but she loves a good walk. Living in a shelter with other dogs, she has no idea that she could have a home and a set of humans all to herself. This is the story of how Margie “The Scaredy Dog” Finds a Home.
eBook $2.99
Print Book $12.99 (for a limited time)
I’m so happy to share Margie’s story with the world.

View this post on Instagram
If you’d like a chance to win some Margie Merch, share your pet story below. Be sure to visit this link or enter the giveaway below to validate your entry. Open internationally. Ends May 31st at midnight ET.
And now, on to the personal updates…
I just came back from a wonderful vacation. I spent a few days at a cabin to unwind and then attended Raven Con as one of the guest speakers. It was a lot of fun. I’ll be sharing a wrap-up video soon on social media.
I’ve been writing more than usual, but that is mostly due to being on vacation. (Hey, I’ll take what I can get.) I’m excited to update my Patreon community with more installments of my ongoing projects as well as adding some items to my shop.
Don’t know if I’ve mentioned my food memoir here much, but it’s really coming along. I’m so proud of what I’ve done with it and am excited to begin incorporating contributions from others who’ve agreed to share their stories.
How do you handle distractions when writing?
It may take some time, but I promise, I will eventually stop by your blog.
My response time has gotten slower but I’m still making my rounds.
After hanging out with Alex, be sure to stop by and visit this month’s co-hosts:
Victoria Marie Lees,
Kim Lajevardi,
Nancy Gideon, and
Cathrina Constantine!
Click here to visit other IWSG blogs and sites to receive and share more inspiration and support. (This month, I’m #27).
Did you know you can join my community for FREE over at Patreon to receive a monthly update on the creative projects I’m working on? I tell you the truth, it’s better than a newsletter!
Thank you for making it this far down the virtual page. Kudos to you! I’d love to know what you thought of this post in the comments below. Stay safe and be blessed.
22 replies on “#IWSG May. 2024- Writing While Distracted”
Food Memoir?! I’m curious to know more! I love the idea behind a hunting dog who doesn’t know who to hunt!
I’ve had health issues for a while and discovered, in the last few years how it’s all related to what I’ve been ingesting. Now I’m using food to address it and writing about my experience. I even have a few others who are sharing their experiences using food to heal as well.
That’s very cool. It’s amazing how much food can impact us–even seemingly harmless food, but our (personal) systems just don’t like it.
Yes, it’s been quite a journey to accept this realization.
Congratulations on the book! Cool you were a speaker at RavenCon. And what is pink noise?
Pink noise is similar to white noise, but at a different frequency. I have an app that plays white, pink, and all sorts of other color noises, but those two work best for me. Thanks so much for stopping by today and for sharing my book on your blog. It was a nice surprise.
Congrats on your new book release. I work part-time and have to squeeze in my writing too.
Congratulations on your new book, Toi! It’s on my list. And you’re right, people and living creatures are the top priority! Family first, and that includes fur babies or whatever kind of pet you have. All the best in May!
Thank you so much. I know that if I’m not taking care of my family, I can’t be creative. When I know I’ve done what I need to do, that’s when I squeeze in my word count.
Squeezing is what I do best. I sometimes get a few words in while I have something simmering on the stove and while the laundry is running. Waiting time is the best time for me to write.
Sounds to me like you handle distraction very well! And yes, the needs of our people and animals have to come first. I really couldn’t write at all when my kids were preschoolers.
Yes, there have been times, when tending to sick loved ones, that I’ve not written a word in days, but it doesn’t feel bad like it does when I’m procrastinating. As much as writing is a part of me, I can’t not put family first (Yes, I used a double negative.)
I’m hearing about this ‘pink noise’ for the first time. Congratulations on your new book. Have a nice day:)
It’s similar to white noise. I have an app that plays both along with a few other colors. They have different frequencies and can be good for blocking out other sounds or distractions.
Congrats on the book release! Glad you had a nice vacation, too. I’ve got a staycation next week and hope to get some writing done!
A staycation sounds nice. I hope to have one of those in the fall. Hope you get in tons of words.
Congratulations on your new book about Margie AND on your anniversary. Both deserve celebrations! Our daughter (and family) adopted Dino, a black dog with a gold heart, very quiet because of being in the animal shelter for several years before finding his home. He doesn’t even bark! But he loves to cuddle. Can’t wait to read your book! Keep writing, despite all those distractions.
Dino sounds sweet! He’s like Margie, neither of them bark. Thanks for the well wishes. I hope you enjoy the book.
The dogs do have to come first 🙂 Yay for the release of Margie’s story!
Ronel visiting for IWSG day Adventures in Audio: An Introduction to Audio Production
Thank you so much! I know how much your furbabies mean to you.
I can’t listen to music, Toi. I’ve always wondered what “white” or pink?? noise could be. Unfortunately, I become distracted very easily. Bravo on your new release. All the luck with it!
Yeah, music while writing doesn’t work for everyone. White or pink noise is helpful when you need to block out other sounds. It’s like the static that use to play on old TVs when the broadcasts would end or when there wasn’t a clear signal.