Created and hosted by the Ninja himself, Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writers Support Group posts the 1st Wednesday of every month. Click the image to learn more or sign up.
Optional Monthly Question: Do you have any rituals that you use when you need help getting into the ZONE? Care to share?
I don’t believe I have anything specific that helps me to get in the zone. Sometimes I’m there, but most of the time I’m sitting around waiting to get there. I guess that’s what I call the Muse coming alive, which by the way, happened in a major way last month. Otherwise, I’d say that sometimes listening to music helps me find inspiration to complete a scene I’m having trouble with. I usually like to keep a variety of soundtracks on hand since they seem to be full of songs that convey very specific emotions and themes, such as fear, love, hatred, passion, war, and so much more.
Sorry, I didn’t have time to put my monthly updates together, again. I gotta stop dropping the ball, but, in all honesty, I’ve just been distracted by the next bit of info I have to share. I will say that I read a book by Allie Marie, local to my area, and really enjoyed it. The review is worth checking out. (link is broken 🙁 )
Now, on to the personal updates.
I don’t know how I did it, but I wrote and illustrated a children’s book about being in quarantine last month. Now I have to figure out what to do with it, and I’m hoping some of you will help. I know this is very last minute, but since next Tuesday, yes that’s May 12, is #GivingTuesday I figured that would be a good day to offer a free ebook and a fundraising giveaway. I want people to enter my giveaway for a chance to have me give $20 to the cause or charity of their choosing.
If anyone out there would be willing to share this next week, on your blog, or on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram… I’ll take anything really, simply comment below or on my Contact page, and I’ll email you the details this weekend when the book launches.
What do you do to get in the zone?
Can you help spread the word about my book and fundraiser?
It may take some time, but I promise, I will stop by your blog.
After hanging out with Alex, be sure to stop by and visit this month’s co-hosts:
Feather Stone,
Beverly Stowe McClure,
Mary Aalgaard,
Kim Lajevardi, and
Chemist Ken!
Click here to visit other IWSG blogs and sites to receive and share more inspiration and support. (This month, I’m #39).
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords
31 replies on “#IWSG May 2020: Getting into the zone”
Music is good. I’d be happy to help you next week. Let me know what to do.
Thank you, Beverly. I’ll email you a bit later.
Congratulations on finishing your Children’s book. I can post it on my Facebook and send it out over twitter.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange
Thank you Pat. I really appreciate it.
Congratulations on your children’s story. That’s awesome! I love the cover. I’ve informed my network. Wishing you big success.
Ps, I’ve posted a notice on Twitter.
Thank you, Joylene. I appreciate your support. The book isn’t posted yet. It’ll go live this weekend and I’ll make it free next Tuesday for a few days.
What a great idea! I’d be happy to share. Send me the details.
Thank you for the support, Alex. I’ll be sending out an email shortly.
What a delightful way to give to a charity. Yes, I would love to share it.
Thank you. I appreciate the support.
Music definitely gets me in the mood to write.
Congrats on writing your children’s book!
Thanks for the kind words.
I also find that sometime I get inspired to write after watching a good movie.
Wow! #39. That takes a while.
I am still trying to get a grasp on the new and improved, post-covid center of my creative life. Lots of flitting from project to project, and more short stories than I’ve ever written before.
Happy IWSG Day!
That’s cool that you’ve been writing a lot of short stories.
I love your Joe and Chip fundraising idea! Send me details, I’m happy to participate!
Thanks so much. I’ll be in touch shortly.
How lovely Toi. Thank you for sharing your interactions with your Muse. Yes, likewise, music, music and music again. Congratulations on your illustrated Children’s book. For UNICEF ? They might even publish it for you … worth looking into. Would love to join the launch … depending on time difference. Where are you in the States ?
Thanks also for the cry out on your neighbour ‘s book. Always enjoy your reviews … though I have currently seven piles of about 10 books each in my room, waiting to be read … and just as many on my Goodreads, want-to-read list
Here is my email.
Take care, keep safe. Wishing you an inspiring month of May.
Thanks for your support. I hadn’t given a lot of thought to how I was going to publish it but I rushed into something that I already know I’ll have to fix later. I’m just excited to share the book now. I’ll be in touch shortly.
So many of us use sound to connect with and implant the emotion a scene needs. We sure have a lot in common. 🙂
Anna from elements of emaginette
I truly believe music is one of those universal things that can connect people, no matter their differences. It boggles my mind when I meet people who say they don’t like music.
Congrats on your new book. I’m happy to share on my blog. email me at:
Thanks for the support. I’ll be in touch shortly.
Music helps so much!
I’m happy to help on Twitter 🙂
Thanks for the support. I’ll email shortly.
I’ll help next week! And maybe this says everything about how I”m coping, but I saw “soundtrack” and my mind picked out a few key letters and got “snack.” 😀
Ha ha, I love it. Maybe you got the muchies. Thanks bunches for helping out. I’ll email shortly.
It used to be that I had so little time to write that whenever the muse struck me, I’d be ready to go. Now that I have more time at my disposal, it seems I have trouble getting the muse to operate whenever I sit down in front of the computer. the muse and I are going to have to come to an understanding.
Yeah, that’s how I usually feel. I even think I feeling that feeling returning. At least, the Muse and I got along for a while.
Hi Toi, I’d be happy to share on Twitter and I’d like to buy a copy.
Thank you so much. I’ll email you shortly.