Source: Speculative Fiction and Genre Mashing (by Toi Thomas) | Faith and Fantasy Alliance
Category: Reblogs
Shared blog posts from other sources on the web. Usually these are posts Toi wants to share, but feel that they deserve more than simply a link.
I just had to share this!
It’s that time of year again to say thanks and be grateful. It’s always a pleasure to receive an invite to share my thoughts and feelings over at a Daily Dose of Gratitude and this year has been no different. This is a great blog to read whenever you need a little pick-me-up. Yesterday it was my turn to share again and I hope you will stop by and see what I had to say.
“*Today’s letter is written by fellow blogger and wonderful writer Toi Thomas.*
Dear World,
Sometimes life gets hard in ways that are difficult to explain. You look around to your support group, the people you have in your life like family and friends, for comfort but sometimes it’s not quite enough…”
To read more, visit: Dear World | Daily dose of gratitude.