
It’s @ReadTuesday today! Spread The Word. Yay #Books

Click on the fabulous READ TUESDAY image to visit the official event page. There you will be able to find links to all the authors and books being features in this sale extravaganza. Books are even separated into categories to make your online shopping experience a little smoother- oh and there are beautiful pictures of the all the participating book covers to help sway your decision. 😉

So don’t be shy. Come on in and join the fun, but don’t forget to spread the word.

Happy Read Tuesday to you and many more to come!


#50StatesOfPray on 12/24/13 hosted by @markjkoopmans

“On Dec. 24, 2013, take a moment, (and in about 100 words), share a prayer, a thought, a memory, a hope, a regret about the past, and/or a wish for the future.”

Open up your heart and share. 

Mark’s desire is for all 50 of the States in the U.S. to be represented in this blog hop, but he’s not stopping there. He wants this to stretch across the globe. Wouldn’t it be great if we could gather 50 independent nations with this event and spread love and peace around the world?

I’m totally in and hope you’ll join in to.

Click the image to join or visit other stops in this hop on Tuesday, December 24, 2013.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


Black Friday and Cyber Monday #Giveaway and More!

Happy Holidays to You!


In the spirit of celebrating life and blessings, I’m showing the world just how blessed I am and just how happy I am to be doing something that I love. I’m offering my two shorts as free Kindle downloads on November 29th and then again on December 2nd.

That’s right, you heard it. My novelette “The Legend of the Boy” and my short story collection “Unexplained” will be available as free Kindle downloads on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

…But wait there’s more. Post your buy tweets and more at the link below to have a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card and a free copy of my ebook companion guide, 40 Days and Nights of Eternal Curse.

Two free downloads and a chance to win another free ebook and a $10 gift card.

So, have fun shopping, reading, and winning and don’t forget to spread the word.

Thank you all for your wonderful support.

You can add these books your GoodReads bookshelves here:

Legend of the Boy | Unexplained | 40 Days and Nights of Eternal Curse

Click here for a chance to win!
A new window will open so you can refer back to this page.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords