
#IWSG Sept. 2023- Happy Birthday Insecure Writer’s Support Group!

Created and hosted by the Ninja himself, Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writers Support Group posts the 1st Wednesday of every month. Click here to learn more or sign up.

This post contains affiliate links. If you click through to make a purchase, I may make a small commission at no additional cost to you. Any amount I make goes towards my dream to host a book fair in Hampton Roads, VA. Please see my About page for more details. Thank you for your support.

Optional Monthly Question: The IWSG celebrates 12 years today! When did you discover the IWSG, how do you connect, and how has it helped you?

My first IWSG post can be found here. Admittedly, I discovered the IWSG shortly after it formed, but didn’t have the courage to join for almost a year and a half. Ultimately, I’m glad I made the leap of faith.

The IWSG has consistently been the most encouraging and uplifting aspect of blogging for me over the years. I’ve been a part of other blogging communities that have come and gone, or that I left, for a number of reasons, and not all of them were bad. Some just reached their time to end.

As a writer, the IWSG has been a great way to network and promote, and even learn from others. As a blogger, it is the only reason I haven’t given up on blogging. I hope it sticks around for another 12 years and more.


Now, on to the personal updates.

I had a plan in place to start chronicling my process of rewriting my first novel series. While I am still doing that, I hit a wall last month that I let keep me from posting. I lost countless pages of research I had done from the original series, plus a bunch of new stuff I am planning to incorporate, so when I went to start plotting things out, I stumbled, not able to access the ideas I had in my brain. I moped for a couple of days but then I eventually went back to redo the research. I never got around to posting last month, feeling a little defeated, but I’m hitting reset, yet again. So, as of now, that’s what I’m doing. Redoing research. Maybe in a month or two, I’ll be ready to start plotting, but in the meantime, I can still blog about the research I’m doing.

On a positive note, I’m enjoying reading again. Here’s what I read in August 2023.

The Masked City
Amazon | Bookshop

Murder at the Library
Amazon | Bookshop

If you’re up for it, I have a short video giving my star ratings for what I read, but if you enjoy video book reviews, I suggest that video. Hey, neither of them is that long, so you could watch both if you’re feeling frisky 😉

#short video – 


Where were you when you discovered the IWSG?
Did you read any good books last month?
It may take some time, but I promise, I will eventually stop by your blog.


After hanging out with Alex, be sure to stop by and visit this month’s co-hosts:
Sonia Dogra,
J Lenni Dorner,
Pat Garcia,
Sarah – The Faux Fountain Pen, and
Meka James!


Click here to visit other IWSG blogs and sites to receive and share more inspiration and support. (This month, I’m #27).

Did you know you can follow me for FREE over at Patreon to receive a monthly update on the creative projects I’m working on? I tell you the truth, it’s better than a newsletter!

Thank you for making it this far down the virtual page. Kudos to you! I’d love to know what you thought of this post in the comments below. Stay safe and be blessed.


#IWSG August. 2023- Conflicts in writing.

Created and hosted by the Ninja himself, Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writers Support Group posts the 1st Wednesday of every month. Click here to learn more or sign up.

Optional Monthly Question: Have you ever written something that afterwards you felt conflicted about? If so, did you let it stay how it was, take it out, or rewrite it?

I seem to write things all the time that cause me to pause afterward. I think it’s part of my process. Sometimes I write things I have no intention to develop, but I have to write it down to know that.

I’m currently rewriting an entire series, but not because there’s a moral conflict. The original simply doesn’t reflect who I am as a writer now so I’m redoing it. Still, I have written some things that might be in conflict with the public appearance I’ve developed over the years- my platform. I’ve considered if it might be worth taking on another pen name to put those out, not to deny that I’m the writer, but to keep a distance from my current fans who may not be into the more edgy/alternative stuff. IDK- I’m still figuring it out.


Now, on to the personal updates.

I was a little late in posting this message today. I was out of town for a while and returned on a Monday, so the rest of the week was pushed back for me. I thought today was Tuesday. Oops!

Yes, it’s true, the IWSG Book Club has come to an end. I enjoyed being a part of it and will miss it. Thank you to everyone who participated and helped spread the word about it.

I took some time off from the blogosphere after several problematic encounters. I have since determined that the blogosphere, on the whole, is no longer a safe space for me. I love the IWSG and will continue to participate and lend support and encouragement where I can, but I’m changing the nature of this blog.

Moving forward, this blog is a writing log for me. I’m not looking to acquire fans or followers unless they just happen to show us. If I’m going to be connecting with readers, I’ll be doing that on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or my Patreon (which includes a follow, for Free, option).

I hope you all are doing well- reading, writing, and creating with truth and purpose.


Have you ever written something that gave you pause?
Where do you connect most with readers?

My response time has gotten slower but I’m still making my rounds.


After hanging out with Alex, be sure to stop by and visit this month’s co-hosts:
Kate Larkindale,
Diane Burton,
Janet Alcorn, and
Shannon Lawrence!


Click here to visit other IWSG blogs and sites to receive and share more inspiration and support. (This month, I’m #27).

Did you know you can follow me for FREE over at Patreon to receive a monthly update on the creative projects I’m working on? I tell you the truth, it’s better than a newsletter!

Thank you for making it this far down the virtual page. Kudos to you! I’d love to know what you thought of this post in the comments below. Stay safe and be blessed.


#IWSG June. 2023- Life Without Writing?

Created and hosted by the Ninja himself, Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writers Support Group posts the 1st Wednesday of every month. Click here to learn more or sign up.

This post contains affiliate links. If you click through to make a purchase, I may make a small commission at no additional cost to you. Any amount I make goes towards my dream to host a book fair in Hampton Roads, VA. Please see my About page for more details. Thank you for your support.

Optional Monthly Question: If you ever did stop writing, what would you replace it with?

I don’t see myself ever not engaging in some sort of writing activity throughout my life. If; however, I was prohibited by law, with the threat of death and generational fines; yet- somehow oddly not banned from drawing or dancing- I’d do one of those. I don’t think I’m particularly good at either, but I do enjoy them both immensely. Plus, I don’t see cooking ever becoming illegal, though the world is getting crazier every day, so I could also express creativity with the meals I make.




Member Spotlight

Razor Valentine – Goodreads, Amazon

Craft Book

How to Rock Self-Publishing – Goodreads, Amazon, Bookshop

Now, on to the personal updates.

May was a busy crazy month for me. Some good, some not so good, but fortunately nothing too bad. I was so busy, I actually forgot to post to this blog and my Patreon community a few times. I won’t go back and do make-up content for this blog, but I have a plan to deliver the make-up content to my Patrons. Plus, I’ve been working on a lot of new and exclusive content.

While I didn’t read a lot, I did keep up with my Goodreads challenge, which I’ll post about next week, along with my book reviews. I did write a lot, which I wish I hadn’t forgotten to share, but like I said, I have a plan to make up that content. I recorded and posted two new videos on my YouTube channel: Counting My Blessings and Have U Seen This, featured below.?

Oh, oh, and I’m so excited to release season two of my Read Local Show! I’ve completed three episodes and hope to get at least one more. Season 2 Episode 1 airs this Friday, 6/9/23 with author Drema Deoraich. I’m still trying to line up talent for the Read All Over Show, so if you know anyone interested, please send them my way.

Birthday month, I mean June, has started out in full force, so I don’t have too much to say until the dust settles. Happy Birthday to all my family, friends, and anyone else who has a birthday in June.


What would you do if you couldn’t write?
How has your year in reading been going?
It may take some time, but I promise, I will eventually stop by your blog.
My response time has gotten slower but I’m still making my rounds.


After hanging out with Alex, be sure to stop by and visit this month’s co-hosts:
Patrcia Josephine,
Olga Godim,
Meka James,
J. Lenni Dorner, and
Cathrina Constantine!


Click here to visit other IWSG blogs and sites to receive and share more inspiration and support. (This month, I’m #28).

Thank you for making it this far down the virtual page. Kudos to you! I’d love to know what you thought of this post in the comments below. Stay safe and be blessed.