About Toi

Technical Issues and Operator Error

Hi there to anyone paying attention. I’ve been experiencing some technical issues that have made keeping up with my blog very difficult. After many, now shameful, accusations to my wonderful host, I’ve learned that it’s a hardware and security issue partially brought on by myself. Apparently my laptop has a faulty Wi-Fi connection that causes my Internet access to come and go at random. Then, on top of that, my security program was blocking me from my own blog after a recent update.

Some of my issues have been resolved while others remain. I guess I’ll just have to make a habit of testing my connection every day until I can afford a new computer. At this point, I’m trying to play catch up with all the posts I missed last week. Anything before that, I’ll just have to continue missing.

Sorry for my absence and thanks for sticking with me through this.

About Toi

RavenCon 2016 Day 1, here I come!

2016-04-29 12.30.38 2016-04-29 12.31.39

About Toi

Digital Cleanse

Greetings all and thanks for hanging around to see this post. Today will be a busy day for me, but before I get into all that I feel I must explain my recent absence.

As some of you may know, I’ve mentioned that I’m heading in a new direction and may not be as active on social media as I’ve been. For the past week, I’ve been completely absent and that was not my intention. What it boils down to is that I needed a break from social media. I’m refocusing my attention to aid me on my new journey and with that, a digital cleanse was required.

In any case, I’m back and happy to be here. So look out. Like I said, today is going to be a busy day.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords