
Hi there visitor,

Toi hopes you’ve enjoyed your time here at the ToiBox and will come back again. She’d love to know what you think of this site. Please leave her a comment or a message below. We hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy many wonderful blog experiences to come.

The ToiBox of Words


People often ask me about the different materials and fabrics that I use to pull up my hair in my videos. Well, news flash- most of the time they are neck gaiters. Seriously, I’m not joking. 🤗

My latest set comes from UNCO. When offered a chance to spread the word and receive a commission, I jumped on it. So, I hope you’ll check them out. I’d love to see you wearing them around your neck or in your hair. I’m also here if you need tips for your hair. 😉

🧣 UNCO Neck Gaiters – 50% Commission for Creators! 🧣




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Amazon Author Page

YouTube Channel (@toithomas), home of the Read Local Show & the Read All Over Show.

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Goodreads Author Profile

@toithomasauthor (Instagram- Toi Thomas)

@margiescaredydog (Instagram- for my dog Margie)


Tumblr: Books  yada yada yada




Here’s my Blogger profile


Check out Toi’s bookish t-shirt designs in the
SellMyTees Carnie Shop store.

Check out Toi’s bookish designs on various merch items in the
Toi Thomas RedBubble store.

Toi has hosted two interview series on her YouTube channel. Watch previous episodes below.

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